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Harnessing the Energy of Spring; Cleaning for Greater Well being

Writer: Suzanna MannionSuzanna Mannion
Donate possessions you no longer need
Spring cleaning donation

Spring equinox (mid-March) is a time that symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings. The rains bring lush green hillsides and we begin to hear more birdsong and see a return of bees and butterflies alike. It’s as though the world is slowly waking up and coming out of hibernation and there’s a siren call to get outdoors and enjoy nature.  For me, this is a time for deep spring cleaning for greater well being. Part of the process involves donating or re-homing items I no longer use and reorganizing the items I choose to keep. Freeing up space in my home makes it much easier to clean, and easier to find things which gives me a sense of satisfaction. There’s a definite parallel between de-cluttering my physical environment and my mental well being. The cleaner and more tidy my home environment is, the freer and more relaxed my mind is. What effect does the spring season have on you? Are you ready to engage in spring cleaning? Here are a couple inspirational books that dive deep into tidying-up:

Don’t have time to read a book but want to get started with your own spring cleaning? Grab a piece of paper and take 5-10 minutes to write three goals on how you can "spring clean" your life, the benefits of achieving these goals and key action steps you can take today.

  • 1st Goal:

    • Benefits of achieving this goal:

    • Key action step: 

  • 2nd Goal: Benefits:

    • Benefits of achieving this goal:

    • Key action step:  

  • 3rd Goal: Benefits: 

    • Benefits of achieving this goal:

    • Key action step:  

Need help staying on track? 

Place this paper somewhere you will see it regularly, like on your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror. Need greater accountability? Partner with a friend and commit to weekly check-ins, or consider seeking the support of a professional coach.   If you found this article inspiring and want to share additional ways you spring clean your life, I encourage you to share your thoughts via email.

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